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Who We Are

A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations.
Business types range from limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships.
There are businesses that run as small operations in a single industry while others are large operations that spread across many industries around the world.
Apple and Walmart are two examples of well-known, successful businesses.


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations.
Business types range from limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships.
There are businesses that run as small operations in a single industry while others are large operations that spread across many industries around the world.
Apple and Walmart are two examples of well-known, successful businesses.


A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations.
Business types range from limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, corporations, and partnerships.
There are businesses that run as small operations in a single industry while others are large operations that spread across many industries around the world.
Apple and Walmart are two examples of well-known, successful businesses.